Call for Demonstrations


  • Demonstrations & discussions of novel technologies, complementing main program and within the scope of IWAENC 2024
  • Practical achievements, challenge participation, prototypes, real-time demos, crowd-sourcing feedback, …
  • Presentation in-person. Supplementary material (e.g., pre-recorded video, code, instructions, …) welcome.

Important dates:

  • First submission round:
    • 30 May, 2024 28 June, 2024: Submission deadline for demo idea (1-2 page report/teaser) and/or a short video trailer (first round)
    • 3 July, 2024 19 July, 2024: Notification of acceptance
  • Second submission round:
    • 26 July, 2024: Submission deadline for demo idea (1-2 page report/teaser) and/or a short video trailer
    • 2 August, 2024: Notification of acceptance

IWAENC 2024 Show-and-Tell 

Keeping with the popular trend of recent conferences, IWAENC  2024 will also include a show-and-tell track. We seek demonstrations around, but not limited to, novel implementations, prototype systems, systems and frameworks for (crowdsourcing) feedback, systems in international challenges,…

This track is intended to complement the conference program and provide a forum for discussion and dissemination of practical achievements. Participants are expected to present the demo in person, and this can be supported by supplementary material such as extended videos and web-based demos.

Submission guidelines

Demos must be submitted separately from the paper track (URL: We expect a contribution in the form of a 1-2 page document using the paper submission template that succinctly describes the scope and type of the demo. Ideally this document should include: a brief description of the demo, details of the application and problems tackled, and what is the added value of the demo. Authors should highlight the novel contributions, integrated algorithms, and interactive aspects of the system. Additionally, a short (between 30sec and 1 min) “trailer” video may be included in the submission by providing a link to the video (e.g., a private YouTube video or a shared drive) in the submitted document.

Authors must provide their own equipment. Include any additional constraints in a separate document. Audio demos, especially for enhancement and audio effects are recommended to be given with good headphones.

If the demo is related to a paper submitted to IWAENC, authors should specify the paper ID.

At least one author of each accepted demo is required to register.

Submission format

Trailer: Duration between 30 seconds and 1 min (max). Presenters may use a pre-recorded slide show for the presentation.

Video file format: mp4

Dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9

You may record using Zoom, or use the free software OBS, which also allows simultaneous recording of the speaker and slides: OBS Studio.

Selection Process

Each submission will be assessed in a single-blind review process. Authors will be informed of acceptance or not via email and through the paper management program, by the deadline listed above. The evaluation criteria are:

  • Relevance to topics of interest of IWAENC 2024
  • Significance and originality
  • Technical quality
  • Maturity and readiness for demonstration in physical form
  • Potential for public interaction


For any questions, please contact the Demo Chairs: Nilesh Madhu ( and Daniele Giacobello (


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